Miss T Hartley - Headteacher
Originally from Canada, Miss Hartley became Headteacher of JHGS in September 2016, only the fifth Head and the first female Headteacher in the history of the school. Miss Hartley had previously been Deputy Headteacher and Acting Headteacher at Nonsuch High School for Girls in Cheam, Surrey. She began her career in education teaching History and more recently Psychology. She joined the teaching profession after 6 years in sales and marketing firstly with Mr Kipling Cakes and then with Entertainment UK.
Mr N Hathaway - Deputy Headteacher
Mr Hathaway joined JHGS as Deputy Head in September 2019. He was previously Deputy Head at an independent school in Abingdon and held Acting Head, Deputy Head and Assistant Head posts at a comprehensive school in Swindon and a Grammar School in Manchester. He started his teaching career in Leicestershire where he also worked as a Head of Year and then as a Head of MFL at a school in Wigan. Originally from Cheshire, just south of Manchester, Mr Hathaway studied French at Sheffield University and gained a PGDipEd in Educational Leadership and Management from Warwick University.
Mr Hathaway leads on all pastoral matters at the school and is the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Mr D Sammels - Assistant Headteacher
Mr Sammels Assistant HeadteacherMr Sammels was educated in Edinburgh before reading Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of York. He was previously Head of Sixth Form at a grammar school in Slough, where he also completed his NPQSL. He joined JHGS as an Assistant Headteacher in 2017.
Mr Sammels leads on assessment, data, reporting, exams and educational visits.
Mr J Turner - Assistant Headteacher
A product of a Devon based boys’ grammar school, Mr Turner graduated with a Business degree from the University of Surrey before gaining a PGCE from Kingston University. He was previously Head of Faculty and Assistant Director of Sixth Form at an outstanding Hertfordshire Teaching School, before joining JHGS as an Assistant Headteacher in September 2019.
Mr Turner leads on curriculum, digital strategy, outreach and pupil premium.
Miss H Burrow - Assistant Headteacher, Director of Sixth Form
H Burrow Head of Sixth Form
Miss Burrow completed her BA Hons degree in German and Spanish at the University of Southampton. She joined John Hampden in 2013 as a newly qualified teacher and has since held the positions of Head of Year 7, Teacher in Charge of Spanish and Director of Sixth Form.
As Assistant Headteacher – Director of Sixth Form, Miss Burrow is responsible for the academic attainment and pastoral welfare of the Sixth Form students. She also acts as Professional Tutor and Initial Teacher Training Co-ordinator, monitoring the standards of Teaching and Learning and supporting other teachers, including those who are new to the profession, with their own professional career development.
Mrs K Bailey - Business Manager
K Bailey Business ManagerMrs Bailey has been at John Hampden since 2012 and has been Business Manager since August 2014. She is responsible for finance, administration, HR and, together with the Site Manager, the premises. In short, most things that are not Teaching and Learning. She has worked in schools since 2007 and enjoys the varied challenges that each day brings!
Full Staff List
Staffing 2024-2025
Senior Leadership Team
Miss T Hartley – Headteacher
Mr N Hathaway – Deputy Headteacher
Miss H Burrow – Assistant Headteacher; Director of Sixth Form
Mr D Sammels – Assistant Headteacher
Mr J Turner – Assistant Headteacher
Mrs K Bailey – Business Manager
Mr C Lowe - Associate to the SLT
Mr M Till - Associate to the SLT
Miss A Pigott - Teacher i/c Art
Ms H Twiggs (p/t)
Mrs S Boone - Technician
Business and Economics
Mr E Olhausen - Head of Business
Mr M McCormack - Head of Year 11
Mrs A Harding
Miss A Shahid
Computer Science
Mrs S Ali - Head of Computing
Mrs S Khaliq
Design and Technology
Mrs J Corcoran - Head of Design Technology
Miss G Davies - Head of Year 7
Mr M Torrens
Mrs S Bedford - Teacher i/c Food and Nutrition
Ms G Nickless - Food Technician
Mr G Newns - DT Technician
Mr R Richards - Gap Year DT Technician
Mr J Durrant - Acting Head of English
Mrs J Summers (p/t) - Deputy Head of English / Literacy and Oracy Lead
Mrs L Janke-Smith (maternity leave)
Mrs J Forrest Smith
Mr K Khan - Head of Year 8
Mr R Langridge (p/t)
Miss S Mitchell
Mr M Till - Associate to SLT
Mr R Nowak-Scase - Head of Geography
Mr D Hirst
Mr D Day
Mrs A McEvett (p/t)
Mrs F Tremelling - i/c AS Law and Deputy Head of Sixth Form (Year 13)
History and Politics
Mr A Sawdon – Head of History & Politics
Mr C Willson - House Coordinator
Mr S Parbery (p/t) - Head of EPQ
Mrs J Bolton - Acting Head of MFL
Miss C Draper - Acting Deputy Head of MFL
Miss K Andrina
Miss A Combi
Mr C Lowe - Associate to SLT
Mrs J Pook - SENDCO and PSD Lead
Miss J Ress – Head of Maths
Mrs E Millar - Deputy Head of Maths
Miss Y Cao
Mr G Clapperton
Ms N Kalpoo
Mr M Kingman - Head of Year 10
Mr T Zindonda
Mr N Rogers - Director of Music & Music Technology
Miss I Rose
Mr T Neill - Director of Sport
Mr C Taylor
Mr S Bowers
Mr T Cook
Mr S Olhausen - Head of Year 9 /Head of Hockey
Mr W Nugent - PE Technician
Mr J Styles - School Games Officer
Miss S Venn - Acting Head of Psychology
RS & P
Mrs H Rayner - Head of RS&P
Mr P Nicholls
Dr R Chambers - Head of Biology (maternity)
Mr M Ingram - Acting Head of Biology
Mrs S Bedford (p/t)
Mrs S Gordon
Ms N Mamoun
Mrs R Najafi (p/t)
Mr A Folkes - Head of Chemistry
Mrs E Odell
Mr G Rewt - Head of year 12
Dr J Wade
Mrs F Yasmin
Mr N Dunn - Head of Science and Head of Physics
Miss M Doxopoulou
Mr M Pigdon
Lab Technicians
Mrs S Holley - Head Technician
Mr C Matheson
Miss P Ilieva
Mr F Mahmood
Mr J Hoole
Pastoral Structure
Mr N Hathaway – Deputy Headteacher/DSL
Mrs J Pook - SENDco
Head of Year 7 Ms G Davies
Head of Year 8 Mr K Khan
Head of Year 9 Mr S Olhausen
Head of Year 10 Mr M Kingman
Head of Year 11 Mr M McCormack
Miss H Burrow – Director of Sixth Form
Deputy Head of Sixth Form (Head of Year 12) - Mr G Rewt
Deputy Head of Sixth Form (Head of Year 13) Mrs F Tremelling
Support Staff
EA to the Headteacher and Deputy Head Mrs D Templing
HR Manager Mrs F Benamer
Admin Assistant to the Leadership Team Mrs K McMahon
Sixth Form Pastoral Support Mrs E Morton
Lower and Middle School Pastoral Support Mrs S Jefferson
Admissions Officer and Pastoral Assistant Mrs A Bedford
Sixth Form Pastoral Administration Assistant Mrs L Clements
Examinations Officer Mrs C Openshaw
Data Manager Mrs K Clark
Administrator School Data Mrs F Grimmett
LRC Manager Miss B Harrison
Curriculum Support Mrs D Appleby and Mrs C White
Cover Manager Mrs M Rasheed
Cover Supervisor Mrs N Kumari
Learning Support Manager Mrs C Dunne
Student Enrichment Coordinator Mr D Smith
Student Welfare Officer Miss J Randell
School Counsellor Ms V Crouch
Network Manager Mr S Akimbumiti
IT Support Mr H Parker
Finance Assistants Mrs C Hunt, Mrs K Fury, Mrs N Allen and Mrs J Das
PE Administrator Mrs K Buxton
Receptionists Mrs E Russell (morning) / Mrs U Haani (afternoon)
Mrs P Balbini, Miss C Cray, Mrs Drayton-Freier, Ms J Harford, Mrs H Laughton, Mrs U Mahmood, Mrs B Morton, Mrs S Rafar, Mrs O Smith, Ms P Williams
Site Team
Site Manager Mr S Light
Site Team Mr T Collins, Mr K Stoute, Mr M Merzvinskas