Quit Ye Like Men and #BeMore


“Quit Ye Like Men” 

You could be forgiven for thinking that “Quit Ye Like Men” seems very outdated in the 21st century and JHGS is not a faith school. The school’s motto, ‘Quit Ye Like Men” is adapted from 1 Corinthians 16: St Paul’s letter to early Christians who were being persecuted in the Roman city of Corinth.  In the letter he encourages the community to be aware of their actions, to follow their principles, to be courageous and strong, and to act with love.  The motto was chosen in the 1920's when the school’s focus was on helping rehabilitate soldiers from WW1.  We believe that these principles are just as relevant and important in today’s world and all of our boys understand and embrace the school motto.

Students at JHGS fully understand what the school motto means. The principles and values contained in our school motto underpin all that we do. This is why our motto is just as relevant today.


We want our students to #BeMore. 

#BeMore develops the attributes in our students to be successful learners during their time at JHGS. These attributes will also serve them well when they go on to University, the world of work and life. In the taught curriculum (lessons) and in the extra curricular programme we refer to #BeMore to help the boys understand how they are developing these attributes and the rewards #BeMore can give them.

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#BeMoreInvolved – Take an active role in learning, extra-curricular activities and the wider school community. Students’ respect the ideas and values of others as it allows them to discuss and debate in a considered way. Students invest their time in supporting others, giving generously to those who need help. They aim to inspire, make a significant contribution to the local community and act as a role model for others. 

#BeMoreKind – Students have a genuine care and compassion for others but just as importantly for themselves. Students are not afraid to ask for guidance and support to promote their own/other’s wellbeing as well as take opportunities to celebrate successes and areas where they can achieve. Students consider the thoughts and feelings of others in their words and actions and seek ways to support the school and wider community.

 #BeMoreKnowledgeable – Appreciate the value of education. Students build a powerful body of knowledge, enriched by research and evidence so that learning lasts beyond the exam. Students share their understanding to benefit and support their peers. 

#BeMoreIndependent – Be able to manage your own learning, prioritise tasks and set SMART targets. Students take ownership of their learning and take responsibility for the choices they make. Students take the initiative to develop their understanding beyond the curriculum and seek out new information to deepen their understanding. 

#BeMoreResilient – Learn from mistakes and make greater progress for having not succeeded the first time. Students are not afraid to try new things, adapt to change and they have the strength and courage to take risks with their learning in order to gain better outcomes. Students persevere, even when things seem difficult and can reflect honestly on their strengths and areas for improvement. Students are not afraid to ask for help and value input from others in order to meet their goals. 

#BeMoreAmbitious – Strive for the best. Students work towards a standard of excellence; they aspire to be successful, whether that be in the classroom or in their personal endeavours. Students demonstrate a desire for self-improvement and take pride in the work they produce, the skills that they have developed and the ability they have to make a difference.