2026 Admissions

Our Admissions Policy for 2026 can be found here.

You can check if you reside within our catchment area for 2026 admissions by using the Buckinghamshire Council catchment area checker which can be found here and there is a map image of the area here.

Children born between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015 will be moving up to secondary school to begin Year 7 in September 2026.

If you would like your child to go to a Buckinghamshire Grammar School then they need to take the Transfer Test.  For further information about the test and the testing process please refer to the information on The Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools (TBGS) website and the Admissions pages on the Buckinghamshire Council website.

If your child does not go to a Buckinghamshire LA primary school, you must register them to take the Transfer Test and this can be done on the Buckinghamshire Council website.

As from March 2013, appeals against decisions not to admit students are heard by the Independent Appeals Panel (IAP) for John Hampden Grammar School. 

Late transfer testing (i.e. for Year 8 and Year 9 in 2026) is dealt with on our behalf by Buckinghamshire Council.