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SEN and Learning Support
Special Educational Needs
At John Hampden Grammar School, we strive for all members of our community to #BeMore and this is also the case for any student with a special educational need or disability. We actively support students with SEND in order to allow them to develop their interests, knowledge and skill both within the classroom and outside in the wider world.
We have experience in supporting students with:
- SEMH Difficulties
- Communication and Interaction difficulties (including ASD),
- Cognition and Learning needs (including dyslexia and dyscalcula)
- Sensory and Physical disability (including Visual impairment and Hearing Impairment).
We utilise a range of strategies that incorporate high quality teaching and personalised approaches to allow students with SEND to access the same curriculum as students without SEND. We promote independence and resilience. Students with SEND are ambitious and thrive within the JHGS community; they go on to pursue further academic study or employment of their choice, actively participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and fulfil student leadership roles.
The acting SENDCO is Mrs Pook. Please see the JHGS SEN Information report and Policy for further information
You can also find more information on supporting students with SEND in Bucks at:
For independent advice on SEND, please contact Bucks - SENDIAS:
Learning Support
At John Hampden Grammar School, we have a dedicated Learning Support Department that supports students with a range of medical, wellbeing and learning needs to allow them to be fully involved within the wider life of the school.
The department consists of the acting SENDCO (Mrs Pook), the Learning Support Manager (Mrs Dunne) and 11 Learning Support Assistants (LSAs). The members of the department aim to help students #BeMore by regularly undertaking professional development, specialising in particular areas of interest including particular learning needs, key stage transition support, exam access arrangements, modification of resources, organisational strategies and 1:1 mentoring and coaching.
LSAs provide 1:1 support where it is appropriate for students with an EHCP and where resources allow, they also support students within the sixth form and students with a reduced curriculum in this way.
The Learning Support Department works closely with the Heads of Year, School Counsellor and the Student Welfare Officer and liaises with the following external agencies:
- Bucks Specialist Teacher Service – ASD, HI, VI
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Bucks MHST
- Aspire Outreach
- Aspire Home Tuition
- Aspire - PRU
Please see the JHGS SEN Information report and Policy for further information
SEN requirements in the Sixth Form
Please play the following video from our former SENDCO Miss Stiles in 2022 for an introduction to SEN provision in the Sixth Form.