Duke of Edinburgh
We are excited to be able to offer all students in years 9 and above the opportunity to achieve their Duke of Edinburgh's Award.
The DofE Award is the world's leading youth achievement award and was established by the late HRH Prince Philip over 60 years ago. Participating in The DofE Award is a fantastic opportunity to try new activities, develop existing skills, make friends, get fitter and give something back to your community. More information can be found here:
Levels, sections and timescales
There are three levels of Award: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each level consists of the following sections: volunteering, physical, skill, expedition and residential (Gold level only). Participants choose an activity for each section which they undertake for the required number of months. The Bronze Award is undertaken in year nine, The Silver Award in years ten and eleven, and The Gold Award in the sixth form. It is possible to do a level without having done the previous level.
More information can be found here:
www.dofe.org/do/timescalesand here:
Potential activities
The scope of activities available at each level is huge and some activities can be undertaken within school. Participants can use activities that they are already undertaking or take advantage of the opportunity to pursue a new activity of their choosing.
More information can be found here:
This is the section that The Award is perhaps most famous for and which participants look forward to most. It gives participants the chance to plan and undertake an adventurous and challenging journey with friends. Participants undertake a walking expedition and are responsible for the navigation and catering during the expedition as well as being expected to carry their own kit and pitch their own tents. Expeditions at Bronze level are run locally, with Silver and Gold expeditions taking place further afield in places such as The New Forest and Snowdonia. JHGS uses Wilderness Expertise to run the expedition section of The Award.
A cost is involved at each level which includes the participant place and costs associated with the expedition section. More information regarding cost will be given at launch events.
Plans for 2022/2023
In October 2022 we launched The Bronze Award to year 9 and The Gold Award to year 12. The expeditions will hopefully take place in the spring and summer of 2023.
All participants are required to use eDofE (the online DofE portal) to record their activities and they may wish to download the eDofE app. More information and guidance on using eDofE will be given once participants enrol.
Assessor reports
Participants are required to obtain an assessor report for each section. The assessor should be over the age of 18 and not related to the participant. They will usually be the person in charge of the activity, for example a sports coach for the physical activity. Alternatively, a family friend or neighbour can act as the assessor. Assessor reports are usually completed online and more information will be provided to participants when required.
Useful links
If you require any further information please contact Mr Smith. Remember to follow @JHGSDofE on Twitter to stay up to date with news, information and expedition updates.
Mr D Smith