Official Opening of the Innovation Hub - 15th October 2021
We were delighted to welcome David Dein MBE and Baroness Karren Brady CBE to officially open the Innovation Hub today. After a short introduction by Mark Phillips QC, alumnus of John Hampden Grammar school and long serving school Governor, the ribbon was cut and the Head Boy team showed all our distinguished guests around the Innovation Hub. Guests were then taken to the school hall where David Dein gave a very entertaining and informative talk on the evolution of the Premier league as a business. The audience of students then had the opportunity to put a number of their questions to Mr Dein and Baroness Brady who both gave very informative and insightful responses.
Today marked another significant achievement in the history of JHGS. The realisation of the Innovation Hub and adjacent Compass Quad has come about through everyone’s commitment to working as a team and being solution focussed.
In his talk today David Dein shared with the boys the motto of the turtle - you don’t get anywhere in life without sticking your neck out. We dared to dream and today we’ve achieved that dream.